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Call pager compensation

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I need information on the going rate for carrying a call pager.


I work with 3 cardiologists in a multispecialty group, seeing patients in the clinic and hospital.

Currently the MDs are taking weekly call every 3rd with 2 PAs helping to round 2 weekends out of the month. They're planning to work one PA a month into the weekly call schedule. I need to know what is a fair compensation rate for carrying the call pager.


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I have been offered in the past the kingly sum of (wait for it..) $1.80 per hour to carry the call pager (with my regular hourly rate thrown in if I had to go in to see a pt)!!! I would not settle for less (roll eyes). my current boss asked me last summer if I wanted to cover call while he vacationed, and I said, "sure, but it'll cost you!". he did not find my comment humorous, and took call himself -- from ISRAEL. cheap, cheap, cheap. but he paid another surgeon a flat rate $5,000 per weekend to be on emergency OR call.


I don't understand the absurd rates offered PAs for call. it's so utterly insulting. the surgeons I used to work for earned I think a flat $450/day for carrying the call pager. outrageous. in my opinion, if you're carrying a pager, you're not able to freely enjoy your weekend or make plans...therefore I think compensation should be at a minimum your hourly rate, with OT if you have to go in and see a pt. or 80% of what the docs get (same as a PAs billing rate).

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many threads on this topic already


DO NOT take call with out compensation - you make it horrible for all us that want to be compensated for giving up our free time


in general - to take weeknight call 25% of a days pay


more then just telephone call should be MUCH more pay


if you gotta go in it should be at a premium OVER and ABOVE your regular hourly rate...

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PS, ventana -- I never took call at those rates. I just plain laughed and said are you KIDDING??? NO THANK YOU! I agree with you. taking essentially zero to nothing for call puts all of us in a terrible position, and no one should work for that kind of beyond-insulting rate! let the docs cover call at their fat rates; if it's so distasteful to them to cover call, they should fully pay for the service another is providing for them!! terrible.

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YAHOOOO now if we can get every PA to do the same...


Just heard a local PA that is in a clinic that is melting down (lost PA and MD in the last year and left with MD and PA now - hosptial owned) that she VOLUNTEERED to be on call every other night and split weekends! Not getting paid at all WTH?? i would love to tell her she is an idiot for that one!

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