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Has anyone done the Pre-Reqs in NYC??

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I am trying to do the science pre req's in Manhattan but am having a hard time finding an {inexpensive} schools to take all of the courses. By inexpensive, I mean less then 800 a credit. None of the CUNY schools seem to offer all of the necessary courses. Has anyone else experienced this?



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Does it have to be in Manhattan? Hunter does offer courses but difficult to get a seat (and I graduated from there). I ended up doing almost all my prereqs at Lehman, also a CUNY school, in the Bronx. It's easy to get to and they also offer some "intense" version of courses in the summer. So you can get them done quicker.



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  • 5 months later...

I second Borough of Manhattan community college, I did A&P I and II there (Prof Hendrix is awesome if he's still there). The rest I took mainly at Baruch, actually has great science professors despite being known for business. The problem with the CUNYs will be getting a seat in the classes.


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