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No it has to come from the school.....they will not process it if it comes from you at all.


You do not NEED the form....its nice to have but you dont NEED it. When I order my transcripts online from my schools I used the CASPA address but made sure to include "CASPA ID XXXXXXXXX" so that they knew where to direct it


CASPA Transcripts Dept



Blah, blah xxxxx


Mine were recived just fine. Keep in mind that if you name is different on your transcripts vs CASPA you may also want to add the aka name on with the address as well so they know

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This is what I received as an email:

Thank you for contacting customer support. CASPA strongly suggests that all

transcripts arrived in our office in a sealed envelope directly from the

registrar. However, if the transcript itself is NOT marked or stamped "Issued

to Student" or "Student Copy" then CASPA will still be able to accept the

document. CASPA suggests you keep the transcript for yourself and arrange for

another one to be sent to CASPA from your registrar.

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