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PA salaries

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Hi everyone.


General Thoracic Surgery PA going on 6 years experience. I am looking at a Hospitalist job which is at same Hospital with private group. I was told by the other Hospitalists PA,s here in that group they start between 80K and 85K . I now make about 97K which is M-F. Same hours at Hospitalist job. Now I have a meeting with the group Monday and might get offered the job. Its in Western Mass doesnt this seem low pay!!!!

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where in western ma?? you should PM me



If around Pittsfield MASS the hospital system is notorious for lowballing offers - hold firm on the 100k mark - they are loosing the only 2 hospitalist PA's they have and are are not in the position to not hire a few PA's. The benefits are great - but you will work hard and always feel like you are undercompensated and the only time you can make good salary increases in on hiring..... Be very careful to get things in writing so that there will be less confusion in the future and if you work over 40 hours you should get 1.5 times pay

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