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PA's & Medical Missions

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I'm looking for information concerning practicing PA's who are involved in medical missions.


I'm applying to PA schools this summer, as I research job scopes I'd like to know where the profession fits in to medical missions.


Thank you,



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do a search here for "anyone been to Haiti" , a thread I started 2 yrs ago prior to my 1st of 4 missions to Haiti(so far).

the pa role is essentially interchangeable with the md role in all overseas settings outside of the o.r. so the scope of practice is great, one reason I do it.

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I know/have worked with many PAs that work in Haiti and various countries in Africa. Most of them work independently but a few work with a team of Physician's, nurses and various other medical providers. It is a great career to get out out into the mission field with a very valuable skill in a short amount of time. The opportunities for PAs doing both medical missions is one of the main reasons I chose this field, there are opportunities out there for both long term and short term! If you have any questions just let me know and I will do my best to answer them.

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Can you paste the link? I did a google search and there were too many posts and I couldn't find any relating to PA medical capacity overseas. Thanks!







also see video on home page of nycmedics.org

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