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Looking for a Paramedic to PA Bridge.

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Uh, yeah.... I'm pretty sure that, IF this is a legit question, you'll need to do EXTENSIVE work in order to make it into a program. Don't mean to be insulting, but anybody that approaches PA school with the idea that they just need a "fast-track" abridged program in order to become a PA doesn't really grasp the concept.


Please stick around, do some reading, and let us know if there are any questions you don't see answered on the forum.



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I don't know if I would be quite so blunt to say this HAS to be a troll...after all, there are Certification and AS PA programs...paramedic has AS and BS programs...there are about a bazillion links on websites I visit about Paramedic to RN bridge programs...I can see how a newbie may be wondering...


But what really defines a "bridge" program... Academically U of W requires 12 quarter credits of A&P, couple of english courses, an extra life science and that's about it...to apply. Of course that's just the beginning...what does "bridge" mean to you?

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Does anyone know if a program that is a Fast Track from Paramedic to PA?


I'm pretty sure there are none based in Colorado, but I thought maybe someone here would know if one.


there are some shorter programs out there for folks with experience but they are not bridge programs. stanford for example used to be 15 months. what is it now? 21 months? still shorter than most but looking for a very specific candidate profile.

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