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Part-time as a PA and Volunteering

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Gathered from forums, I've read estimates that some PAs can work between 20-30 hours and make anywhere from $50K-60K+, although these numbers can vary dramatically, my main question is would you not be able to receive any type of benefits? (401K, Health, etc). Or could you work that in your contract? I'd assume it's less likely due to part-time work. The reason why I ask about this, is if down the road, can someone work part-time while choosing to volunteer or travel for long periods of time be feasible?


Or at least, how do people in the healthcare field do it for long periods of time? Do they end up coming back to the states to find a new job? Do they use their leave time and if they do, what if they're gone for an extended period of time beyond their leave time?


Thank you

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We have a older married couple, both FNPs, who work a few days a month at our clinics and do a lot of traveling. I think they make good money but I doubt they get health benefits or any paid vacation. They are very experienced and we are always short of clinicians. Really they are semi-retired. They do mostly Urgent Care or some Family Practice coverage. There are traveling RNs too who work short term contracts for good money. 


You probably need a fair amount of experience before you can do this kind of work. You might need to adjust your travel plans so that you are available when employers have extra work for you. 

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