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Hospital PA Opportunities?

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This summer, I had a major change of heart for awhile and thought I was destined to go to Microbiology Grad School. I shadowed at a clinic and hated it; it's too confined for my taste and I get bored easy if I don't have a lot of variety. However, I was asked to volunteer at the hospital again and I remembered how much I love hospitals. I like the flow and the large team work basis as well as the day to day challenges. What are job odds for hospital P.As looking like? I would love to work as a PA in a hospital but if there is little opportunity to do so, I'd prefer not to try to get into PA school and get landed in a family practice, only to regret not just going to Grad School.

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 What are job odds for hospital P.As looking like? I would love to work as a PA in a hospital but if there is little opportunity to do so, I'd prefer not to try to get into PA school and get landed in a family practice, only to regret not just going to Grad School.


The extent of the opportunities depend on factors such as geographic location, practice laws in that state, how saturated the job market is, etc. But as you might already know, PAs are used in many specilaties within hospitals (ortho, internal medicine, emergency medicine, etc) so the opportunities defintely exist.

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