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Hello All, I just interviewed and was waitlisted. I was wondering how I should respond to the waitlist email. Can I ask what position I am on that waitlist or is that a no-no? Also, is there anything in particular people would reccomend me to say in my first email-other than the obvious thank yous and why i am interested in the school-? I am planning to do some shadowing and send a hand-written letter in the next couple months if I don't hear anything. Thanks so much for the help guys and good luck to you all!

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I think you can totally ask what position you're on at the waitlist. Some schools rank and some don't so you can ask your school what it does. Also, definitely write a letter of continued interest. You can find some excellent examples here: http://www.top-law-schools.com/appendixf.html

While those are for law school, the same principle applies.


Write about aspects of the program you loved, how the school is a good fit for you and how you yourself are a good fit for the school. If something new happened between the interview and this letter, include it. Otherwise include that as an update in a future letter if you still haven't been accepted. If the program is your absolute top choice, you can also include a line about how you will definitely accept a seat if it is offered (only say so if you mean it though!).


Best of luck!

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