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Medical Examiner Investigator

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Does anyone on this board have experience as a Medical Examiner Investigator for murders scenes/accidental deaths, etc for the coroner's office?  I was recently offered a position for my county.  It's part time- work as little as you want or as much as you want- 12 hr shifts at a time.  Doesn't pay a whole lot ($65 per 12 hour shift), but it sounds interesting.  I was just wondering if anyone here has done this.  This can't be the only county that uses PA's in this capacity.  Would like to hear how it went for some of you if so.



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I don't know any of these guys personally. many work for the NYC coroner's office. the county coroner for pueblo county for the past 25+ years has been a pa.


you could rpobably contact him for info on pas doing death investigations. he seems like a pretty high profile guy and would probably be willing to help another pa get into the field.

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