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Background check question

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I am looking for someone to help explain how long a past conviction will effect me? 7 years ago I received a misdimeanor underage drinking & driving ticket, I have no other offenses. I have self reported this and so far only one school asked for my court documentation, which when received they denied me without even looking at the rest of my application (I called to ask why I was denied). Furthermore, I have an upcoming interview but am very anxious that I will a. Be denied when they ask for more information or b. Will be denied entry into the program after I have been accepted due to the background check and the problem it may cause with rotations.  If there is anyone that can help explain how long I am effected by my conviction or possible actions I should take that would be great!

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I have read a few of these threads and a frequent suggestion is to contact state licensing boards as they dictate who gets a license or not, not anyone else.  You should also read the threads which already exist.


Maybe check the state your interview is in?  I would think it would be beneficial if you could tell them that you have contacted their state board and were given good news.

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This is not something that there is one answer for, unfortunately. Every conviction that comes up on a background check will be handled differently by each program, per their policies. So that is the first place you would want to start researching. It could effect acceptances. 


Second, each state has different laws on this in regards to getting licensed as well. There are a lot of anecdotes of students with convictions having no problem getting licensed but it really is a case-by-case decision when the case goes up for review and consideration for licensing.


It is best to check individually by program and state to get more information about this. 


Thank you,

Danielle Di Silvestro

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Would call 2 people - 1st a lawyer see if charge can be sealed, 2nd the state you wanna work in call their licensing board and ask if you would get licensed or not.  Third obstacle you will face is when you want to find work, so can call hospitals and ask as well.  Do all this work first.  You may get through PA school only to find you can't get a job, so do your research yourself first.  Best of luck.

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