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EMR always down, should I ask for Admin time?

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So, I get payed salary plus a little bonus yearly if I go over production (3,200 patients a yr or more- and I get a few grand)....  


My EMR has been down for most days of the month, they are working hard to fix it but this is just not safe anymore.  (It was down for over 40 hours last month alone).  Now it has been down for about 6 days!!!  (They are upgrading to cloud based servers and something has gone wrong!)....


I want to ask for 4 hours of admin time to catch up- input all the billing, labs, scripts, etc- if this thing ever comes back up (Centricity).


Does this seem unrational or am I just shooting myself in the foot as then I will loose production?   :(


Ultimately I want to ask for them to reduce my productivity numbers by one week b/c it has been down, but I know that will never happen.


Thx in advance.



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