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Immunology/virology substitutes

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The checklist states they accept nutrition or cell bio ( I've taken both) as alternatives. They don't say anything about these needing to be taken at univ level (I've taken both at a CC). Any idea what they're looking for?


I was wondering the same thing. I was under the impression that cell bio needs to be an upper level bio course? As in, completed at a 4 yr univ? I don't know if that's true. I might just be making that up.

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No that's a good assumption. I called them today and they said it doesn't have to be from a 4yr. They also said should you be called in for an interview that's when they'll let you know what prereqs still need to be satisfied

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Oh god. That would suck so bad if on the interview they revealed that the CC cell bio course I'm in the middle of taking doesn't count.


Is that what you heard for UTMB only? What about the other TX programs? Have you looked into it?

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