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Updating transcripts

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Does anyone know how schools see your classes, if after your initial CASPA verification you send in updated transcripts, then apply to additional schools?  I know they won't recalculate the GPA, just need to make sure the schools I apply to in the second set will see my updated classes (plan on submitting now to apply to the ones with less science requirements, but don't meet the requirements for some of my other schools yet)

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Both new schools (you're about to apply to) AND the ones you've already submitted to will be able to see any changes made to your CASPA app AS YOU MAKE THEM.  The only difference is that every course that CASPA verifies as a part of your GPA calculation is considered "official" (since that part of your application is now unchangeable), and any courses you add grades for going forward are "self-reported."  I'm finding schools to be all over the map about how to handle verifying self-reported grades.  While they all seem to want us to update the grades in CASPA as soon as we know them, some schools want official transcripts to verify self-reported grades, some only want transcripts if offered an interview, and some don't want additional transcripts unless accepted and matriculated.  But you're right that anything reported after the initial GPA calculation will not get factored into an updated GPA.  It's also true that some schools will allow you to apply before you've started some of their required pre-reqs AS LONG AS YOU LIST THOSE COURSES AS "PLANNED."  Some schools will automatically reject an application if they do not see all of their required pre-reqs either as "completed" or "planned-in progress."  

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