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Ready for outpatient medicine

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Hello everyone,


I've had some time off from work recently due to an injury and I have been doing a lot of thinking about my career and family life. I am currently being precepted in a very specialized area of medicine that requires 6 months of training. I work 3- 12.5 hour shifts 3 weeks per month with a 4 day week 1 week per month including weekends and holidays. Sometimes I will work 2 or even 3 days in a row. My commute is 1 hour 15 mins 1 way! So I'm spending 2.5 hours commuting each shift! That makes for a very long, exhausting day. I have 2 children at home (2 and 6 year old) who just don't understand my crazy schedule. They are asleep when I leave for work and are about to fall asleep when I return from work.


What I'm trying to say is that I am ready for a more 9-5pm type of general practice type of job. Problem is, most of these outpatient positions I applied for in the past only offered health benefits for me and not the entire family. I am the one that carries our health insurance now. That worries me. How affordable is health insurance for a family of 4?


I know that my salary will be significantly reduced working outpatient, but it's not all about the money. It's about quality of life for me and my family. (Although, the money really will affect us financially).


I just don't see myself enjoying my current position in the long run. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you!

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