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Tail coverage... Who's responsible here?

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Looking for some input about tail coverage. My contract expired in November 2013 and I have continued working in my current position until now. I resigned from the position recently. The contract was never renewed during the last 6 months.


The original contract stated I was responsible for tail. However, since the contract expired and was not renewed, who has to pay for it now? Could the employers be responsible? There is no clause in the contract that stated the tail coverage section would survive the life of the contract. From what I've looked at it looks like they may get stuck with this.


I appreciate any input!



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Why would you think that they are responsible for it (not an emotional response but only a question)?  The contract period did not cover it (specified) and you are now no longer under contract.  What would be their responsibility to be held accountable for it?  If it isn't specified in a contract then there is no longer an obligation on the part of either party.  Just like if there was a specified termination notification period while under contract, this would no longer apply and theoretically you could just walk off the job.

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Assuming your contract automatically renew, then, it's still your responsibility.


If it was clearly stated in your contract that tail are your responsibility. From a legal statement, If your employer don't provide tail coverage, then, it shouldn't be mention/written in the contract.


By the way. Most PA jobs don't provide tail coverage.

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