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If you are facing finals soon check out this opprotunity for some help:  http://orgobootcamp.com/only-8-seats-remain-for-organic-chemistry-1-bootcamp/    I went through a webinar with this tutor last night and was so impressed I signed up for the bootcamp this weekend.  I am about to take the final for UNE Online and know this will be some of the best help right before the final.  Also her regular site is leah4sci.com  Lots of free stuff their and other opprotunities.  I am not affiliated with her in any way except as an impressed customer.  Check it out.

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I took my final yesterday.  I did very well. The OChem Bootcamp was definitely worth it.  Especially if you can time it properly.  If you can take the bootcamp 1 or 2 weeks before the final.  It is 2 days, 8 hours a day of excellent review.  All of the mechanisms are covered.  The "class" size is limited to 25 so that asking questions is available but limited.  I recommend you check out leah4sci.com and look around at all the resources available.  Many of them are free.

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I took my final yesterday.  I did very well. The OChem Bootcamp was definitely worth it.  Especially if you can time it properly.  If you can take the bootcamp 1 or 2 weeks before the final.  It is 2 days, 8 hours a day of excellent review.  All of the mechanisms are covered.  The "class" size is limited to 25 so that asking questions is available but limited.  I recommend you check out leah4sci.com and look around at all the resources available.  Many of them are free.

Thanks for the update Frenchy and congrats! wave2.gif

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