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Concordia University Wisconsin

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have yet to hear anything back from the program :( The confirmation e-mail I received after submitting my application stated they would send invites out in Sept and early October. Just curious if anyone received rejection e-mails/letters because at this time I have yet to hear anything back from them. Does anyone know if they are extending interview invites still at this time even though I wouldn't consider this to be "early October." Fingers crossed they are!!!

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They said they sent out a few hundred rejection letters but they do have spots open for interviews since interviews are being shuffled around due to people rescheduling and canceling. You can try calling them, and I'm sure they'll give you an answer for your status



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I have yet to hear anything back from the program :( The confirmation e-mail I received after submitting my application stated they would send invites out in Sept and early October. Just curious if anyone received rejection e-mails/letters because at this time I have yet to hear anything back from them. Does anyone know if they are extending interview invites still at this time even though I wouldn't consider this to be "early October." Fingers crossed they are!!!

i haven't heard anything either......

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my application was submitted on 8/30, but it was not reviewed till a later date because I had not completed my PA shadowing hours. After I completed my hours, I received an email letting me know that they were reviewing it. 4 days after I received the email on my application review, I got an email from them asking for an interview. Will be interviewing on November 2nd from 7:30 am-2 pm. Good luck to everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

my application was submitted on 8/30, but it was not reviewed till a later date because I had not completed my PA shadowing hours. After I completed my hours, I received an email letting me know that they were reviewing it. 4 days after I received the email on my application review, I got an email from them asking for an interview. Will be interviewing on November 2nd from 7:30 am-2 pm. Good luck to everyone!

How was the interview?!

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I think it went well. The faculty were nice, and the interview atmosphere was relaxed. Campus tours were provided by current students. This sounds cliche, but just relax and be yourself.


Kind of nervous though because 100 interviews will be granted, but only 30 people will be accepted into the program.

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I think it went well. The faculty were nice, and the interview atmosphere was relaxed. Campus tours were provided by current students. This sounds cliche, but just relax and be yourself.


Kind of nervous though because 100 interviews will be granted, but only 30 people will be accepted into the program.

Oh okay, I'm sure you did great!!  were they group interviews?

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  • 2 weeks later...

No word yet.  I interviewed on the 2nd.  I thought they had told us that they would be making decisions regarding admission by today, 11/15, and notifying those who are granted admission by phone.  Can't remember how they said they would notify those not accepted though.... Haven't heard anything either way.  Feeling discouraged but trying to remain positive.

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Are they conducting more interviews? I have yet to receive any e-mails in regards to an interview/rejection. I did send them an e-mail and they said to keep looking at my e-mail but I'm unsure as to how long they are offering them throughout the month of November?! So if anyone knows anything let me know!!! :)

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Are they conducting more interviews? I have yet to receive any e-mails in regards to an interview/rejection. I did send them an e-mail and they said to keep looking at my e-mail but I'm unsure as to how long they are offering them throughout the month of November?! So if anyone knows anything let me know!!! :)

They already conducted their interviews. Two sessions on Nov. 2nd and two sessions on Nov. 9th.

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