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Cadaver lab?

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's sort of a cadaver lab.


Unless things have changed you go to anatomy lab once a week.  There are cadavers in various stages of dissection and you'll be able to study what's there.  You will not be doing any actual dissection yourself.  (The physical therapy students were the ones doing the dissection.)


This was supplemented, at least for a little while, but a Primal Pictures DVD of anatomy.  I did not find it useful or beneficial and it was really hard/slow to navigate.  It did not receive good reviews from at least one class of candidates.  I don't know if they still use it or not.

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I went to drexel/hahnemann in the early 90s. we had anatomy lab with previously dissected cadavers a few times/week. the didactic component of a+p at drexel is incredible(taught by an md, phd anatomist), much better than the a+p I did as an undergrad. My undergrad dissection component was better but the didactic component was taught by a marine biologist who was just reading a chapter ahead in the book.

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  • 1 month later...

I went to drexel/hahnemann in the early 90s. we had anatomy lab with previously dissected cadavers a few times/week. the didactic component of a+p at drexel is incredible(taught by an md, phd anatomist), much better than the a+p I did as an undergrad. My undergrad dissection component was better but the didactic component was taught by a marine biologist who was just reading a chapter ahead in the book.

The professor for anatomy is different now, EMEDPA ;)

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