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Critique Narrative....

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This is what I have so far for my persoanl narrative. I intend to make some changes in the intro and final paragraphs. It is around 625 words in Word Document. I am trying to convey a sense of determination and experienced team member in the healthcare field. One with a realisitc view of worklace expectations. Please give me honest feedback and what more I should include.






Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person will make in his or her life. A career should be fulfilling, rewarding and significant. For these reasons, many people, including myself, gravitate toward a career in healthcare. During my time working as a healthcare team member, I have learned a great deal about myself and think that the experiences I have encountered thus far have been in preparation for something significant.


My journey into healthcare began after completing a surgical technology program and beginning work at South Georgia Medical Center. As a student I did my clinical rotations at this hospital and was introduced to a vastly different environment that I had previously been in. At times it was both, wondrous and frightful. Every member of the OR team had a specific role to be performed in order for an operation to run smoothly. Most team members had worked years together and functioned as a well-oiled machine. Communication between surgeon and tech was minimal at times as it seemed the two individuals were in synch. I appreciated watching the team working toward a common goal but I was unaware of the amount of stress that would be imposed upon me once I attempted to become a cog in this machine.


Ensuring that each case is properly prepared for, maintaining a sterile field, keeping count of all instruments and sutures, and having to anticipate the needs of different surgeons were overwhelming for me at times. Interacting with the personalities of different physicians was also eye opening as I found some to be relatable, and personable; others were irritable and condescending. Occasionally I wondered if I made the right decision by choosing this profession as I was hoping that it would be rewarding minus the stress and self-doubt. With the support of other staff members though, my doubts were eased as I began finding myniche in certain specialties, particularly orthopedics, and earned the respect of most surgeons. The stress of working in this field was still prevalent but I had become much better at handling it now and became very capable of doing my job as expected.


It was here, in the OR, where I was introduced to the PA profession. I would watch the PA assist the surgeon in a more intimate role than mine and I became interested and began researching the career. I learned that physician assistants could do many of the same tasks a physician and could work autonomously in addition to working with a physician. The challenge of properly diagnosing an illness or ailment and recommending the best course of action to alleviate it was intriguing to me. Originating from a rural area myself, I was thrilled to learn that PA’s are in demand for underserved rural areas. The more I researched the career I believed this role would suit me best in healthcare and it was one of significance.


With this new career path in mind, I returned to college to take the classes I needed to enter a PA program and eventually graduated with B.A. in biology. Since graduation, I’ve had the opportunity to shadow some PA’s and it has reinforced my decision to pursue this career. The autonomy of this role and gratitude expressed by patients toward the PA was very positive and is something I desire. I believe my previous experiences as a surgical technician was a great introduction to the healthcare field as I have a good idea of what to expect and how to deal with the adversity that may arise. I know I have the resolve needed to become a PA and once again become a team member making a difference in the lives of others.

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"I learned that physician assistants could do many of the same tasks a physician and could work autonomously in addition to working with a physician." This sentence is very confusing and doesn't read very easily.I word re-word this to make it flow better. Also, I think you might be missing a word.


This essay is decent. However, I would suggest making it more personal. In the first paragraph you stated that many people including yourself are gravitating towards a career in healthcare. This is very true. PA programs are extremely competitive, and your essay should highlight why you stand out among other applicants. I think working as a surgical technician would have given awesome healthcare experience, and an advantage over other applicants. I'm sure there has been a unique situation you have run across that made you think WOW. I can't wait to be a PA and do xyz....

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