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First draft. Any and all critiques are greatly appreciated.

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Despite the darkness that exists in the shadows of this world, it is through our passion and our sense of purpose that we are able to truly grasp the beauty that exists in the light. My first experience with seeing this spark of passion came in the 7th grade, when I began extreme rollerblading. What first started out as a simple way to kill time after school and hang out with my friends, quickly morphed into a love like none I had experienced before; I ate, drank and slept rollerblading. The strength of my love for this sport provided me with an opportunity to see, with my own eyes, the rewards that come from fully dedicating yourself to something that you love. Whereas I started out having little clue of what I was doing, struggling to even keep my balance, let alone skate backwards, I was soon performing more and more difficult maneuvers, and eventually even going on to win competitions and receive sponsorships. In addition to the value of passion and dedication that rollerblading revealed to me, it also provided me with the opportunity to travel all around North America, interacting with and becoming good friends with people of all cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds in the process. During my travels, I have encountered a myriad of obstacles, ranging from the minor to the severe, yet I have always managed to emerge as a stronger and more knowledgeable human being. The sums of my experiences as a rollerblader have taught me invaluable life lessons about both myself, as well as the lives of others.


Despite the immensely valuable life lessons and the worth of passion and purpose that rollerblading has taught me, I have spent a significant portion of my life feeling as if something was missing, as if there was something more I could offer. All of this came to a head in the fall of 2012, following the deaths of my longtime girlfriend, along with two grandparents whom I had been extremely close with, all within the period of a couple of months. The ensuing depression forced me to withdrawal from school in two consecutive semesters, and left me questioning the entire purpose of my existence. Upon finally deciding to get outside help in the form of psychotherapy, along with months of self-searching, I was able to rediscover what it is that makes me who I am, and what exactly it is that I have to offer to this world; allowing me to become a stronger person than I ever could have imagined, and once again realize the beauty that comes with passion and purpose.


Though my previous experiences working in healthcare had shown me a glimpse of the beauty that comes with a passion for helping others, my tragedy allowed me to connect the dots and realize that there is nothing I would rather do than dedicate my life to serving others. Following this realization, I decided to take a job as a mental health technician, so that I could immediately begin serving those whom are less fortunate than myself. Since this time, my passion has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am now absolutely sure that my passion lies in serving all of those around me; I am once again able to feel the spark of passion that rollerblading originally showed me, only now it has become stronger than ever before.


Through my paid clinical experience as an EKG/telemetry technician and a mental health technician, along with my time spent shadowing an ER physician, I have become fully acquainted with the benefits that work as a physician assistant would offer in terms of providing effective healthcare and serving my fellow human beings, providing me with the ideal outlet to pursue my passion. I feel as though physician assistants serve as the perfect balance between physicians and nurses, along with the multitude of other clinical positions, as they are able to provide treatments and services that nurses and other lower-level positions are unable to, while functioning on a much more personal level than most physicians do; and all the while working to make sure that all of these positions interact seamlessly.


My time spent working at Xstreme MD has shown to me, and allowed me to become familiar with, the nearly infinite possibilities which the cutting-edge technology of telemedicine offers to the medical field going forward; especially concerning treatment of those that are less fortunate and those in hard-to-reach areas. My dream is to utilize the knowledge and training that I receive during my physician assistant training, in conjunction with my familiarity with the rapid advances of telemedicine, in order to provide treatment on a broad scale to poverty-stricken areas that have so often been looked over, so as to better the health of those involved, while also granting them with the same sense of purpose that has served to show me the immense beauty that a life of passion and purpose has to offer.

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Despite the darkness that exists in the shadows of this world, it is through our passion and our sense of purpose that we are able to truly grasp the beauty that exists in the light. My first experience with seeing this spark of passion came in the 7th grade, when I began extreme rollerblading. What first started out as a simple way to kill time after school and hang out with my friends, quickly morphed into a love like none I had experienced before; I ate, drank and slept rollerblading. The strength of my love for this sport provided me with an opportunity to see, with my own eyes, the rewards that come from fully dedicating yourself to something that you love. Whereas I started out having little clue of what I was doing, struggling to even keep my balance, let alone skate backwards, I was soon performing more and more difficult maneuvers, and eventually even going on to win competitions and receive sponsorships. In addition to the value of passion and dedication that rollerblading revealed to me, it also provided me with the opportunity to travel all around North America, interacting with and becoming good friends with people of all cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds in the process. During my travels, I have encountered a myriad of obstacles, ranging from the minor to the severe, yet I have always managed to emerge as a stronger and more knowledgeable human being. The sums of my experiences as a rollerblader have taught me invaluable life lessons about both myself, as well as the lives of others.


Despite the immensely valuable life lessons and the worth of passion and purpose that rollerblading has taught me, I have spent a significant portion of my life feeling as if something was missing, as if there was something more I could offer. All of this came to a head in the fall of 2012, following the deaths of my longtime girlfriend, along with two grandparents whom I had been extremely close with, all within the period of a couple of months. The ensuing depression forced me to withdrawal from school in two consecutive semesters, and left me questioning the entire purpose of my existence. Upon finally deciding to get outside help in the form of psychotherapy, along with months of self-searching, I was able to rediscover what it is that makes me who I am, and what exactly it is that I have to offer to this world; allowing me to become a stronger person than I ever could have imagined, and once again realize the beauty that comes with passion and purpose.


Though my previous experiences working in healthcare had shown me a glimpse of the beauty that comes with a passion for helping others, my tragedy allowed me to connect the dots and realize that there is nothing I would rather do than dedicate my life to serving others. Following this realization, I decided to take a job as a mental health technician, so that I could immediately begin serving those whom are less fortunate than myself. Since this time, my passion has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am now absolutely sure that my passion lies in serving all of those around me; I am once again able to feel the spark of passion that rollerblading originally showed me, only now it has become stronger than ever before.


Through my paid clinical experience as an EKG/telemetry technician and a mental health technician, along with my time spent shadowing an ER physician, I have become fully acquainted with the benefits that work as a physician assistant would offer in terms of providing effective healthcare and serving my fellow human beings, providing me with the ideal outlet to pursue my passion. I feel as though physician assistants serve as the perfect balance between physicians and nurses, along with the multitude of other clinical positions, as they are able to provide treatments and services that nurses and other lower-level positions are unable to, while functioning on a much more personal level than most physicians do; and all the while working to make sure that all of these positions interact seamlessly.


My time spent working at Xstreme MD has shown to me, and allowed me to become familiar with, the nearly infinite possibilities which the cutting-edge technology of telemedicine offers to the medical field going forward; especially concerning treatment of those that are less fortunate and those in hard-to-reach areas. My dream is to utilize the knowledge and training that I receive during my physician assistant training, in conjunction with my familiarity with the rapid advances of telemedicine, in order to provide treatment on a broad scale to poverty-stricken areas that have so often been looked over, so as to better the health of those involved, while also granting them with the same sense of purpose that has served to show me the immense beauty that a life of passion and purpose has to offer.

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Despite the darkness that exists in the shadows of this world, it is through our passion and our sense of purpose that we are able to truly grasp the beauty that exists in the light. My first experience with seeing this spark of passion came in the 7th grade, when I began extreme rollerblading. What first started out as a simple way to kill time after school and hang out with my friends, quickly morphed into a love like none I had experienced before; I ate, drank and slept rollerblading. The strength of my love for this sport provided me with an opportunity to see, with my own eyes, the rewards that come from fully dedicating yourself to something that you love. Whereas I started out having little clue of what I was doing, struggling to even keep my balance, let alone skate backwards, I was soon performing more and more difficult maneuvers, and eventually even going on to win competitions and receive sponsorships. In addition to the value of passion and dedication that rollerblading revealed to me, it also provided me with the opportunity to travel all around North America, interacting with and becoming good friends with people of all cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds in the process. During my travels, I have encountered a myriad of obstacles, ranging from the minor to the severe, yet I have always managed to emerge as a stronger and more knowledgeable human being. The sums of my experiences as a rollerblader have taught me invaluable life lessons about both myself, as well as the lives of others.


Despite the immensely valuable life lessons and the worth of passion and purpose that rollerblading has taught me, I have spent a significant portion of my life feeling as if something was missing, as if there was something more I could offer. All of this came to a head in the fall of 2012, following the deaths of my longtime girlfriend, along with two grandparents whom I had been extremely close with, all within the period of a couple of months. The ensuing depression forced me to withdrawal from school in two consecutive semesters, and left me questioning the entire purpose of my existence. Upon finally deciding to get outside help in the form of psychotherapy, along with months of self-searching, I was able to rediscover what it is that makes me who I am, and what exactly it is that I have to offer to this world; allowing me to become a stronger person than I ever could have imagined, and once again realize the beauty that comes with passion and purpose.


Though my previous experiences working in healthcare had shown me a glimpse of the beauty that comes with a passion for helping others, my tragedy allowed me to connect the dots and realize that there is nothing I would rather do than dedicate my life to serving others. Following this realization, I decided to take a job as a mental health technician, so that I could immediately begin serving those whom are less fortunate than myself. Since this time, my passion has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am now absolutely sure that my passion lies in serving all of those around me; I am once again able to feel the spark of passion that rollerblading originally showed me, only now it has become stronger than ever before.


Through my paid clinical experience as an EKG/telemetry technician and a mental health technician, along with my time spent shadowing an ER physician, I have become fully acquainted with the benefits that work as a physician assistant would offer in terms of providing effective healthcare and serving my fellow human beings, providing me with the ideal outlet to pursue my passion. I feel as though physician assistants serve as the perfect balance between physicians and nurses, along with the multitude of other clinical positions, as they are able to provide treatments and services that nurses and other lower-level positions are unable to, while functioning on a much more personal level than most physicians do; and all the while working to make sure that all of these positions interact seamlessly.


My time spent working at Xstreme MD has shown to me, and allowed me to become familiar with, the nearly infinite possibilities which the cutting-edge technology of telemedicine offers to the medical field going forward; especially concerning treatment of those that are less fortunate and those in hard-to-reach areas. My dream is to utilize the knowledge and training that I receive during my physician assistant training, in conjunction with my familiarity with the rapid advances of telemedicine, in order to provide treatment on a broad scale to poverty-stricken areas that have so often been looked over, so as to better the health of those involved, while also granting them with the same sense of purpose that has served to show me the immense beauty that a life of passion and purpose has to offer.

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Sorry for such a quick repost, but after going over the paper with the writing center at my school I came up with these slights changes. So, if you see this in time, disregard the first post. Thanks again in advance!



Despite the darkness that exists in the shadows of this world, it is through our passion and our sense of purpose that we are able to truly grasp the beauty that exists in the light. My first experience with seeing this spark of passion came in the 7th grade, when I began extreme rollerblading. What first started out as a simple way to kill time after school and hang out with my friends, quickly morphed into a love like none I had experienced before; I ate, drank and slept rollerblading. The strength of my love for this sport provided me with an opportunity to see, with my own eyes, the rewards that come from fully dedicating yourself to something that you love. I started out having little clue of what I was doing, struggling to even keep my balance, let alone skate backwards, but I was soon performing more and more difficult maneuvers, and eventually went on to win competitions and receive sponsorships. Not only did rollerblading reveal to me the value of passion and dedication, but it also provided me with the opportunity to travel all around North America, interacting with and becoming good friends with people of all cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds in the process. During my travels I have encountered a myriad of obstacles, ranging from the minor to the severe, yet I have always managed to emerge as a stronger and more knowledgeable human being. The sums of my experiences as a rollerblader have taught me invaluable life lessons about both myself, as well as others.


Despite the immensely valuable life lessons and the worth of passion and purpose that rollerblading has taught me, I have spent a significant portion of my life feeling as if something was missing, that there was something more I could offer. All of this came to a head in the fall of 2012, following the deaths of my longtime girlfriend and two grandparents whom I had been extremely close with, all within the period of a couple of months. The ensuing depression that resulted from these losses forced me to withdraw from school in two consecutive semesters, and left me feeling as though I had lost my sense of direction and purpose. Upon finally deciding to get outside help in the form of psychotherapy, along with months of self-searching, I was able to rediscover what it is that makes me who I am, and what exactly it is that I have to offer to this world. This entire series of events allowed me to become a stronger person than I ever could have imagined, and realize once again the beauty that comes with passion and purpose.


Though my previous experiences working in healthcare had shown me a glimpse of the beauty that comes with a passion for helping others, my tragedy allowed me to connect the dots and realize that there is nothing I would rather do than dedicate my life to serving others. Following this realization, I decided to take a job as a mental health technician so that I could immediately begin serving those who are less fortunate than me. Since this time, my appetite to help my fellow man has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am now absolutely sure of my desire to serve all of those around me; I am once again able to feel the spark of passion that rollerblading originally showed me, only now it has become stronger than ever before.


Through my paid clinical experience as an EKG/telemetry technician and a mental health technician, along with my time spent shadowing an ER physician, I have become fully acquainted with the benefits that a career as a physician assistant would offer in terms of providing effective healthcare and serving my fellow human beings, providing me with the ideal outlet to pursue my passion. I feel as though physician assistants serve as the perfect balance between physicians and nurses, along with the multitude of other clinical positions, as they are able to provide treatments and services that nurses and other lower-level positions are unable to, while functioning on a much more personal level than most physicians do; and all the while working to make sure that all of these positions interact seamlessly.


My time spent working at Xstreme MD has allowed me to become intimately familiar with the nearly infinite possibilities which the cutting-edge technology of telemedicine offers to the medical field going forward; especially concerning treatment of those that are less fortunate and those in hard-to-reach areas. My dream is to utilize the knowledge and training that I receive during my physician assistant training, in conjunction with my familiarity with the rapid advances of telemedicine, in order to provide treatment on a broad scale to poverty-stricken areas that have so often been looked over, so as to better the health of those involved, while also granting them with the same sense of purpose that has served to show me the immense beauty that a life of passion and purpose has to offer.

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Sorry for such a quick repost, but after going over the paper with the writing center at my school I came up with these slights changes. So, if you see this in time, disregard the first post. Thanks again in advance!



Despite the darkness that exists in the shadows of this world, it is through our passion and our sense of purpose that we are able to truly grasp the beauty that exists in the light. My first experience with seeing this spark of passion came in the 7th grade, when I began extreme rollerblading. What first started out as a simple way to kill time after school and hang out with my friends, quickly morphed into a love like none I had experienced before; I ate, drank and slept rollerblading. The strength of my love for this sport provided me with an opportunity to see, with my own eyes, the rewards that come from fully dedicating yourself to something that you love. I started out having little clue of what I was doing, struggling to even keep my balance, let alone skate backwards, but I was soon performing more and more difficult maneuvers, and eventually went on to win competitions and receive sponsorships. Not only did rollerblading reveal to me the value of passion and dedication, but it also provided me with the opportunity to travel all around North America, interacting with and becoming good friends with people of all cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds in the process. During my travels I have encountered a myriad of obstacles, ranging from the minor to the severe, yet I have always managed to emerge as a stronger and more knowledgeable human being. The sums of my experiences as a rollerblader have taught me invaluable life lessons about both myself, as well as others.


Despite the immensely valuable life lessons and the worth of passion and purpose that rollerblading has taught me, I have spent a significant portion of my life feeling as if something was missing, that there was something more I could offer. All of this came to a head in the fall of 2012, following the deaths of my longtime girlfriend and two grandparents whom I had been extremely close with, all within the period of a couple of months. The ensuing depression that resulted from these losses forced me to withdraw from school in two consecutive semesters, and left me feeling as though I had lost my sense of direction and purpose. Upon finally deciding to get outside help in the form of psychotherapy, along with months of self-searching, I was able to rediscover what it is that makes me who I am, and what exactly it is that I have to offer to this world. This entire series of events allowed me to become a stronger person than I ever could have imagined, and realize once again the beauty that comes with passion and purpose.


Though my previous experiences working in healthcare had shown me a glimpse of the beauty that comes with a passion for helping others, my tragedy allowed me to connect the dots and realize that there is nothing I would rather do than dedicate my life to serving others. Following this realization, I decided to take a job as a mental health technician so that I could immediately begin serving those who are less fortunate than me. Since this time, my appetite to help my fellow man has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am now absolutely sure of my desire to serve all of those around me; I am once again able to feel the spark of passion that rollerblading originally showed me, only now it has become stronger than ever before.


Through my paid clinical experience as an EKG/telemetry technician and a mental health technician, along with my time spent shadowing an ER physician, I have become fully acquainted with the benefits that a career as a physician assistant would offer in terms of providing effective healthcare and serving my fellow human beings, providing me with the ideal outlet to pursue my passion. I feel as though physician assistants serve as the perfect balance between physicians and nurses, along with the multitude of other clinical positions, as they are able to provide treatments and services that nurses and other lower-level positions are unable to, while functioning on a much more personal level than most physicians do; and all the while working to make sure that all of these positions interact seamlessly.


My time spent working at Xstreme MD has allowed me to become intimately familiar with the nearly infinite possibilities which the cutting-edge technology of telemedicine offers to the medical field going forward; especially concerning treatment of those that are less fortunate and those in hard-to-reach areas. My dream is to utilize the knowledge and training that I receive during my physician assistant training, in conjunction with my familiarity with the rapid advances of telemedicine, in order to provide treatment on a broad scale to poverty-stricken areas that have so often been looked over, so as to better the health of those involved, while also granting them with the same sense of purpose that has served to show me the immense beauty that a life of passion and purpose has to offer.

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Sorry for such a quick repost, but after going over the paper with the writing center at my school I came up with these slights changes. So, if you see this in time, disregard the first post. Thanks again in advance!



Despite the darkness that exists in the shadows of this world, it is through our passion and our sense of purpose that we are able to truly grasp the beauty that exists in the light. My first experience with seeing this spark of passion came in the 7th grade, when I began extreme rollerblading. What first started out as a simple way to kill time after school and hang out with my friends, quickly morphed into a love like none I had experienced before; I ate, drank and slept rollerblading. The strength of my love for this sport provided me with an opportunity to see, with my own eyes, the rewards that come from fully dedicating yourself to something that you love. I started out having little clue of what I was doing, struggling to even keep my balance, let alone skate backwards, but I was soon performing more and more difficult maneuvers, and eventually went on to win competitions and receive sponsorships. Not only did rollerblading reveal to me the value of passion and dedication, but it also provided me with the opportunity to travel all around North America, interacting with and becoming good friends with people of all cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds in the process. During my travels I have encountered a myriad of obstacles, ranging from the minor to the severe, yet I have always managed to emerge as a stronger and more knowledgeable human being. The sums of my experiences as a rollerblader have taught me invaluable life lessons about both myself, as well as others.


Despite the immensely valuable life lessons and the worth of passion and purpose that rollerblading has taught me, I have spent a significant portion of my life feeling as if something was missing, that there was something more I could offer. All of this came to a head in the fall of 2012, following the deaths of my longtime girlfriend and two grandparents whom I had been extremely close with, all within the period of a couple of months. The ensuing depression that resulted from these losses forced me to withdraw from school in two consecutive semesters, and left me feeling as though I had lost my sense of direction and purpose. Upon finally deciding to get outside help in the form of psychotherapy, along with months of self-searching, I was able to rediscover what it is that makes me who I am, and what exactly it is that I have to offer to this world. This entire series of events allowed me to become a stronger person than I ever could have imagined, and realize once again the beauty that comes with passion and purpose.


Though my previous experiences working in healthcare had shown me a glimpse of the beauty that comes with a passion for helping others, my tragedy allowed me to connect the dots and realize that there is nothing I would rather do than dedicate my life to serving others. Following this realization, I decided to take a job as a mental health technician so that I could immediately begin serving those who are less fortunate than me. Since this time, my appetite to help my fellow man has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and I am now absolutely sure of my desire to serve all of those around me; I am once again able to feel the spark of passion that rollerblading originally showed me, only now it has become stronger than ever before.


Through my paid clinical experience as an EKG/telemetry technician and a mental health technician, along with my time spent shadowing an ER physician, I have become fully acquainted with the benefits that a career as a physician assistant would offer in terms of providing effective healthcare and serving my fellow human beings, providing me with the ideal outlet to pursue my passion. I feel as though physician assistants serve as the perfect balance between physicians and nurses, along with the multitude of other clinical positions, as they are able to provide treatments and services that nurses and other lower-level positions are unable to, while functioning on a much more personal level than most physicians do; and all the while working to make sure that all of these positions interact seamlessly.


My time spent working at Xstreme MD has allowed me to become intimately familiar with the nearly infinite possibilities which the cutting-edge technology of telemedicine offers to the medical field going forward; especially concerning treatment of those that are less fortunate and those in hard-to-reach areas. My dream is to utilize the knowledge and training that I receive during my physician assistant training, in conjunction with my familiarity with the rapid advances of telemedicine, in order to provide treatment on a broad scale to poverty-stricken areas that have so often been looked over, so as to better the health of those involved, while also granting them with the same sense of purpose that has served to show me the immense beauty that a life of passion and purpose has to offer.

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