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In Need of Help/ Answers Pre-PA

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I honestly didn't know who to ask or who to turn to so this seemed like the best option. Ill get to the point...Basically I was on set to go to med school, coming into undergrad after not doing well I decided to change to PA. Unfortunately, that change happened too late. I am graduating in May with a a bachelors degree in psychology and a minor in sociology. I have already had multiple patient contact hours as well as I am getting done with my phlebotomy certification soon. I have some undergraduate classes connected with pre-med ( such as biology and chemistry that I took my first 2 years) but not all of them. Not to mention the grades in those are not strong as everything else is. I completely understand how I have clearly made some mistakes but I have found that becoming a PA is exactly what I want to do and I will literally do anything to achieve that.

All in all, my question is how would I possibly go about retaking those classes or taking more classes concentrated on the prerequisites of biology after I graduate. I know it seems like an elementary question, but do colleges offer programs like that, or could I do it through a community college.

I know strong references and good GPA in my other classes isn't going to take me far so I need to somehow show that I am willing to work hard and get those classes done.


Thank you and any information is helpful.

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It is possible to take all of your prerequisites as a part-time student. I took organic chemistry at a local 4 year college with evening and weekend classes and the rest at a community college.


Many of us go through life not knowing what we really want to do until the option presents itself. Stop beating yourself up about it. Get a job and then lay out your plan to finish your prerequisites and get more patient contact hours. Shadow some PAs so you can be sure of what you're doing.


Good luck!


PS: Here's my story: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1479372099/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

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