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I've been working for a month now as a nurse assistant at a hospital. For HCE hours, does it matter to PA schools that I'm not certified? Also, would it greatly help my application if I could get them to move me into an ER tech position?


Thanks for any info!

Depends on how the hospital you work for treats the different positions. What unit are you on now? What are your responsibilities? What are the responsibilities of an ER tech at your hospital? I would say that most schools probably don't care much about whether or not you placed foleys. Apply yourself in whatever area of medicine you are in and learn as much as you can. Of course, the closer you get to actually making clinical decisions the better your professional development. Some tech positions are solely baths, adl's, and emptying foleys. The ER techs at my hospital are required to be paramedics. But the important thing is to apply yourself to learn as much as possibleno matter where you are.


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