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Applying for jobs before you graduate

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Hello All,


I'm at the halfway mark of Clinical Year, and I'm starting to apply for jobs. I'm looking for some advice on crafting a great résumé to secure a job. Why so early? I'm a NHSC Scholar and want to find a site in my state so that my spouse can continue to work and my munchkin can stay in the current school system (as little upheaval as possible)!


Any help on listing information about rotations I've completed vs not yet completed? How much of my previous life should be mentioned (I had a 4 page CV before starting PA School with scholarships, awards, internships/volunteerism and 6 years of healthcare work + years of customer service & Corporate America work that could be amendable to certain PA Jobs)! I have definitely shortened it to two pages...is that too long still?


Any tips, advice, resources you know of that could help would be great, thanks in advance

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I too am an NHSC Scholar with a life before PA school. My resume was 2 pages long and I received four job offers before accepting one. I started to apply in March of my clinical year. I did relocate but I wanted to, so that wasn't an issue with me. Good luck!

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2 pages for a CV is not too long. Your CV should list things about your clinical rotations and the skills you learned and should give the reader an idea of where you're coming from. It should include awards you've earned and some of your history before PA school. Make a resume that is a just a list/summary of your medicine-related skills, experience, and education. My CV is three pages. My resume is one.


I have a version of my resume and my CV that lists my references, and a version that does not. I have mostly used my CV when applying to jobs so far and I bring a copy of that and my resume when I go to interview. I watched the PAEA videos on applying for jobs and interviewing, and one of the points they make is that if you list your preceptors' names and the specific hospital you were at, you've given away potential references. The video said to list the name of your rotation (Emergency Medicine) and the hospital/clinic and town where it was completed, but leave your preceptors names off the document. I thought that was an interesting point.


The entire video series took about 1.5 hours to watch but had some nice tips on salary and negotiations, plus resume building, that I found very useful.

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my resume was 2 pages. i listed my rotations and when i had some i hadnt completed yet, i would still list it and write "will complete 7/11-8/11" or something like that, just so they can know what else i will train in. I put down non-medical jobs in my work experience but didnt go into much detail on what duties i had. i listed skills i learned in school or on rotations specific to the job in my cover letter

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