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Any PA's here that practice has a sub-investigator?

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Wanted to know if there were anyone here that works as a sub investigator? Love EM and the flexibility of the schedule but decided to apply to a sub investigator position in my area for potential growing opportunities with clinicial trials and supposed to interview with them on site next week. They seem very interested in hiring me but was a little bit concerned about the job description as they would encourage me to want to administer the drugs as well as potential blood draws and doing EKGs. I will ask about it more but will be upfront with them and tell them that I will not be doing any nursing jobs there. But I'm curious if anyone here has experience doing clinical trials or a sub-investigating? 

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I was a clinical research coordinator before pa school, and that’s what my duties were.  I believe the pi ( and theoretically, the co-pi) would review the criteria and data and follow the protocol to ensure the patient was treated per the study parameters and good clinical practice.  Usually a study site does a number of studies and has the staff to do the data collection.  Your description sounds a bit like that’s what they are looking for, a crc plus.  Is there anything else in the description that would indicate any true clinical decision making?

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