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Hello! I’m currently ending the first semester of my sophomore year and I’m so stressed about my grades. My first semester went great, I got all A’s including in Gen Chem I. Second semester I got A’s in all my other classes but a B in Gen Chem II and B- in Gen Bio I. This semester I’m going to get a B in Gen Bio II and maybe a C+ or B- in Orgo depending on the final, and I’m so stressed my shot at PA school is ruined. It’s important to note that my second semester I began having severe GI issues that left me immobile many days, which we found out was due to severe GERD and a hyperkinetic gallbladder and anxiety. This semester I am still dealing with the GI issues and anxiety, along with a diagnosis of depression, but in October I began having neurological issues and was hospitalized 4 times this semester and found out that I have Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome causing chronic CSF leaks. If I can show improvement my next 5 semesters will I be okay? Will they give me the opportunity to discuss my low grades in the application or interviews? I just need some validation/encouragement because I’m currently so afraid of the future. Also, I have a summer job as a surgical assistant at an oral/maxillofacial surgeon’s office so I have started with PCE (if that counts).


I personally don't think a C+ in your sophomore year is going to ruin your life. In fact, the general spirit of anxiety I sense from your letter is more concerning, given your health problems. While there are medical treatments, I'd recommend starting out with a minor attitude change.

In general, stuff usually works out in the end and worrying about it won't make it any better. See if you can't relax a bit and just do your best, trusting in the outcome.

Good luck!

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