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Hello everyone, 

I wish you all happy holidays.  I hope you are all preparing for this intensive program. As of december 2023, there will be different teacher, for clinical anatomy and pharmacology. It used to be Katy Wallis, the same teacher from the YouTube channel TeachMeAandP (that was really cool). She was the best professor, the program has ever had. I'm sad to see her go, but I'm glad she was my teacher.

Some professors make it impossible to learn. In any case, she will be uploading the Pharmacology content to her Pantreon Page TeachMePharmacology, and the clinical anatomy to TeachMeClinicalAnatomy. TeachMePharmacology will have materials starting in January (I think she is working on it now), and TeachMeClinicalAnatomy will be published in the summer.

This is great, because she posts study guides, actual exams and possible flash cards (I'm not sure about the flash cards.)

I highly recommend joining her TeachMeAandP to review just basic anatomy, physiology. You have to know it, and the program will be much easier to go through, if you are well versed in the subject. It's only 5 dollars, and you get a lot. 

We know she will make a difference for you. All in all, happy studying, congratulations. 


Be the best PA you can be.

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