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I just received a contract and am looking it over, but seeing how it's my first one as a new grad I'm trying to make sense of it. My biggest concern is that term of the contract is three years. I'm concerned with this as a move to another city might be in the cards within the next 2 years and if I had to break the contract, I'm trying to figure out what that would look at. I'm not being paid any kind of sign on bonus so wouldn't have to worry about paying that back, but I have some confusion where it discusses liability coverage and termination without cause.

The contract states: 

"The Employer may terminate this Agreement without cause upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to APP, and so long as APP continues to perform all duties required of APP during this ninety (90) day period, APP's compensation shall continue to be paid as provided in Section 5 hereof. The Employer, at its election, shall not be required to continue to use APP’s services during such ninety (90) day period, but may terminate this Agreement immediately. In such event the Employer shall continue to pay APP compensation at the same rate as provided in Exhibit II for the ninety (90) day period. APP may terminate this Agreement without cause upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to the Employer following the initial term of this agreement - Does this mean I cannot terminate without cause prior to the 3 years of this term?


I regards to liability coverage it goes on to state:

“APP shall be provided professional liability insurance for claims relating to services provided by APP pursuant to this Agreement. Employer shall purchase on behalf of APP, at its sole expense, tail coverage to the extent required to provide professional liability insurance coverage for any claims arising out of any act or omission of APP during the term of APP’s employment by Employer. It is understood that APP is solely responsible for providing APP’s own “tail coverage” from APP’s malpractice carrier for all medical services provided by APP prior to the employment of APP by the Employer.” - So to me this sounds contradictory when initially it sounds as if tail is being provided but then goes on to say how I'm "solely responsible".


Considering possibly negotiating a shorter term, but wasn't sure how one goes approaching that as a new grad where I feel as if I don't have much of a leg to stand on. And if I had to leave prior to the end of the contract what does that look like once I sign? Considering paying for an hour of an attorney's time so they're aren't any unanswered questions but just curious if anyone here might have any insight as well. Thank you! 

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