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Need opinion on current job

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Current job is internal medicine in small city in South FL (primarily hospital admission, rounds and discharge with a little clinic involved), M-W 9-5pm with on call once a month at local SNF. Average 12-16 PPD. 3+ yr experience, base salary with 110k, 10 days PTO, 1k CME, 401k with NO match and no health insurance. Signed a 3 yr contract which ends 10/2024. Considering moving to Tampa area because I'm ready for change (currently working in my hometown ). The biggest thing holding me back is cost of living and multiple loans. I have very low cost of living and rent would be 2x what I'm paying now. Assume I would get paid more moving to big city but it'd seems like it'd be going into cost of living. My contract currently isn't that great but I do like the autonomy and patient load is manageable, debating if it's worth leaving or sticking out a few more years. 

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