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I am switching careers and trying to apply to schools this cycle. A lot of the schools I am looking at don't stop accepting applications until November, but can anyone provide any insight on when it is essentially "too late" to apply to schools with rolling admissions. I want my application to be perfect and I don't just want to rush to submit. I am still waiting on a final grade in a course I just finished. I also don't want to apply and then get rejected and have to apply for a second time if I don't have to (I know this is still likely), but I rather have a perfect application to apply next cycle than rush it. Any advice very much appreciated!!


Edited by danjann

What needs to be perfect about your application? The way I look at it is has been done correctly or not. If you want to be a PA and you have a complete application, go for it. Contact the schools you're interested in for info on timing. 

On 8/24/2023 at 8:29 PM, danjann said:

I am switching careers and trying to apply to schools this cycle. A lot of the schools I am looking at don't stop accepting applications until November, but can anyone provide any insight on when it is essentially "too late" to apply to schools with rolling admissions. I want my application to be perfect and I don't just want to rush to submit. I am still waiting on a final grade in a course I just finished. I also don't want to apply and then get rejected and have to apply for a second time if I don't have to (I know this is still likely), but I rather have a perfect application to apply next cycle than rush it. Any advice very much appreciated!!


You used the word "perfect" more than once, which could be a red flag. "Perfect" can the enemy of the "good enough."

You can't know what an unknown application evaluator is looking for and always striving to be perfect can make you brittle and easily crushed when failures that are inevitable in all of our lives crop up in yours.

Take a breath, do you best, but know when to just let it go and cast your fate to the wind.

Good luck.

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