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Hi I understand this might bring me some backlash but I need advice. In my last semester of Undergrad, i sent information of my exam to a friend in hopes that they might help me on an exam as I did not study due to family greivances that hit me really hard and got caught. Due to this, I got sanctioned for it by getting a D in the class and got a disciplinary warning for my actions which is not on my transcripts, but in my internal record for documentation. I want to go to PA school but unsure how to go about it. I will be studying for the GRE and work at a hospital as a patient safety attendant and gain clinical hours, but unsure what else to do? Any advice? I also will be honest about my situation, and I have definitely learned in that situation there were many things I could have done other than the choice i've made which I have realized now and will continue to learn and grow from it. 

Life can be a run of little tests that build your character. You don't always have to be right the first time and few mistakes truly derail you forever. But it is extremely important that you learn your lesson and move on all the wiser. Don't hide a mistake or make excuses for it: just build up your integrity and move on.

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