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I have interviews scheduled for next week with TeamHealth and US Acute Care Solutions for some Emergency Medicine positions. Does anyone have experience working with either of these companies? I'm especially interested in how they treat APPs, if their pay is competitive, and if they offer any real APP leadership or growth opportunities. I always appreciate good physician support but I have 10 years of EM experience so I'm okay if you're primarily on your own clinically. 

I appreciate any insight anyone has. Thanks!

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I have worked for TeamHealth several times.  Some observations:

  • pay and sometimes benefits will vary by which TeamHealth entity you are working for.
  • when TH, or the particular entity, is doing poorly, they do not hesitate to cut, e.g. raises, CME, 401K contributions, hours, even to the point of furloughs and layoffs.  In the years I worked for them they never made the full 3% company contribution to 401K's.
  • how PA's are treated will vary greatly by site, but they definitely prioritize docs, including working hard to get the doc name on the chart so they can bill incident to
  • they do have regional lead PA's - don't know how they're compensated.  Site lead PA's got a stipend, e.g. $5-6K, but their only real role was scheduling - no other leadership.

I've not worked for USACS, but the big point they try to make is their 10% contribution to retirement.  In the markets where I've been, when USACS got a contract that TH held, PA's got a pay cut.

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