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Sullivan University '22-'23 Applicants

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53 minutes ago, roha1 said:

Hi, if you don't mind sharing your stats and when did you apply?

I submitted my application on July 13th. I had a 3.69 cGPA, 3.79 sGPA, about ~2200 hours PCE as a medical assistant and about ~500 PCE hours as a nursing assistant. I had about 56 hours shadowing a PA in nephrology, and about 60 hours volunteering.

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Ugh I'm so nervous that I haven't heard anything yet even though I know its still very early . I don't consider myself the strongest applicant, but I have had an upward trend since I have graduated college and I truly hope they can look at my applicant holistically! Good luck everyone! 

Edited by Neemz31695
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12 hours ago, JBritton said:

I also submitted the 2nd or third week of May and haven't heard anything. Really nervous..

I submitted first week of June and haven’t heard anything yet. I know the email said mid August to early September, but apparently they started already. Really nervous too, best of luck! 

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Do not get over worried!  Last year I got my waitlist email the 16th of August and was pulled off around the 20th of September.  I believe last year there were some students offered early interview seats for whatever reason. Don't hold me accountable to that, as there has been a lot go on between now and then! lol Just relax and enjoy the process! You will get an interview, or you won't.  It is really out of your control at this point. 

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