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So, on CASPA it says "This program requires you to identify courses you have taken that fulfill the prerequisites listed below. Click the 'Go to Transcript Entry' button to enter the appropriate courses, then return to this page to identify which courses fulfill each prerequisite."

My question is, 

Do I have to list all of the courses I have taken in that category? I understand that CASPA aggregates your total GPA and that is visible to schools, however I was confused on if they calculate your pre-requisite GPA by the courses you match to this section?

Furthermore, IF that is the case and it matters, should I ONLY put the courses that I have retaken and received a higher grade? (For ex. If in 2018 I took genetics and got a C, but I retook it and got an A)  

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Yes, you want to enter the courses in which you receive a higher grade (if it was retaken) because this is what will constitute your prerequisite GPA.  And yes the schools calculate the prereq GPA based on what you enter in this section (this can vary a bit from program to program in terms of what they want for prereqs). From what I remember(i graduated in December so it’s been a couple of years since I did CASPA!) it won’t let you add more courses than the program is looking for, but it can be a large number of courses- for example my program required 30 semester hours of BCP, as well as stats, ethics and psych, other programs had less. Good luck!

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