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How are clinicals set up at most PA schools?

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I am applying to Trevecca and can't seem to find an in depth answer about how clinicals really are set up. It seems as though students have to go out and find their own if they are interested in out of state? This seems really stressful given that you already have plenty to be consumed by as you are preparing for clinicals.

Also- if you chose to stay in state for a clinical, what is the selection process like? Are there a select few rotations that students have to compete for? Is it based on your academic standing/references ?


Thanks in advance!

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Just happened to see this, so thought I'd respond. I'm a first year at Trevecca, so I'm not on clinicals so take all of this with a grain of salt. You don't have to set up your own clinicals: there are options to set them up if you desire. There is a limit to the number that you can set up yourself, but I'm not sure how many it is (3-4 comes to mind, but again, I'm not sure). This is completely optional, but a nice option if you have docs you've worked with/know who might be a good future employer, or good exposure to an area you're potentially interested in.


I don't believe selection process is by class rank, but I'm honestly not sure. I know you get some input on your preferences, and they try to satisfy people when possible. Most, but not all rotations are in-state, most within driving distance. I know there are some in east TN that they put you up in housing, and some that are out of state/over-seas, but not a lot of them.


That's all I got, hope that helps!

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