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Interviews, Wait listed, Rejected for Applications summer 2012

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So I have sent in my CASPA and received the email about two weeks ago that my application was received, now we wait. So I thought Id start this thread so we can all stay in touch about this years application process. Anyone get interviews yet? or just waiting like me? I hate waiting :(

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I just graduated from Stj PA program. I know 2011 pass rate was low and that was a big eye opener for the school. So for us they gave us free accounts with exam master and made it a requirement to do questions on a regular basis. Also we couldn't graduate unless we pass all these exams. They made a lot of changes to class of 2013. Talking to class of 2013 students they made the exams harder and they are on top of individual students about studying. Good luck to anyone going there. It is a good program.

And from what I know about class of 2011 the first 50 who took the pance passed on their first attempt and it was last 25 students screwed up the first time pance passing rate.

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