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Pre Req help

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Hi!  I'm new here.  I am in the middle of deciding between an ABSN program and applying to PA school.  My most pressing question right now is the chemistry pre req requirement.  My community college has a Basic Organic Chemistry (4 hours)  class and Organic Chemistry I (5 hours).  I have already completed Chem 100:  Chemistry for the Health Sciences.  Will the Basic Organic Chemistry class work for prereqs?  Any ideas would be helpful!



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2 hours ago, Jennstav said:

Hi!  I'm new here.  I am in the middle of deciding between an ABSN program and applying to PA school.  My most pressing question right now is the chemistry pre req requirement.  My community college has a Basic Organic Chemistry (4 hours)  class and Organic Chemistry I (5 hours).  I have already completed Chem 100:  Chemistry for the Health Sciences.  Will the Basic Organic Chemistry class work for prereqs?  Any ideas would be helpful!



I am afraid even your basic chem course would not qualify as a prereq for PA school. Courses "must be intended for science majors", a lot of pre-health science(RN, RT, Exercise Science, etc.) majors run into this issue. You will definitely want to take the 5cr Organic Chemistry.

Edited by DomRRTtoPA
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