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Can I only have my HCE/PCE hours as a CNA or do PA schools want diversity?

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Hi everyone! It is my first time using this forum and I am very glad I found it. I am currently a senior in college planning to graduate in May and take CNA training in June and begin to gain HCE hours in a gap year. One thing that was really stressing me was, do I have to have a lot of diversity in my healthcare hours or can I have all my hours just as a CNA? I do not want to have multiple years after graduating before I apply to PA school, but I was wondering if the majority of people that have been accepted into PA school have just specialized in one form of HCE, or if I do need more diversity, what is another form of HCE that does not require training that would take more time? My main goal is to get accepted into Arcadia. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

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one job is fine when getting PCE! i am a nursing assistant and i’ve gotten multiple acceptances with just this as my main source of PCE hours. as for HCE, i’m not sure. i would assume many hours doing one thing is fine but just make sure your application overall is well rounded with non-healthcare volunteer experience, leadership experience, etc. but as for CNA being the only source of your PCE, i don’t see why that would be a problem. good luck on your journey 🙂

Edited by tametheeimpala
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One job is fine when getting PCE. I had two jobs but I'm pretty sure the first one didn't even count (I was a Home Health Aide while going back to school as an MA and then did most my PCE as an MA). 

I'm not sure of Arcadia's requirements but most schools I found like non-healthcare community-focused volunteer experience especially if it's with an underserved population. Also any leadership experience is helpful as well and I would recommend attending an information session if Arcadia has any so you know exactly what they are looking for. 

This is just my opinion but I wouldn't be set on dream schools this early on because you never know what life has planned and you might find or end up at a school that is an even better fit for you but that's just because that's what happened to me during this cycle where I got multiple acceptances. 

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