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Shadowing opportunities in Orlando ,FL

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I am looking for Shadowing Opportunities in Orlando. I have called over 15 locations since i moved here in July. I always get leave your information and i will have someone call back, or we aren’t doing shadowing (Covid) or Leave a mess and never get a return call. If anyone could be of assistance It would be greatly appreciated! 

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Hi I'm in Orlando looking for the same as well! Not sure if you both have seen this, but in case you're interested a fellow Pre-PA Becky @mrspopiel on IG keeps a Google doc which she updates with upcoming virtual shadowing sessions. You can check it out here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/129ufXLNTmDczyEn8XOxpcX3WTWfeF_DexdhpxKeXzgc/edit?usp=sharing

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