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Is being a medical screener considered HCE?

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I'm having a difficult time finding a job that counts as PCE because of the pandemic. I did land an interview as a medical screener for temperatures at a business (I don't believe it's a hospital), but I'm not sure if that would be of any value. I also have an interview as a behavioral technician with Behavioral Perspective. Would this count as valuable PCE and I should take this opportunity instead? 


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Screening for temperatures at a business as part of COVID-19 precautions would not be considered PCE nor HCE as far as I'm aware.  The behavioral technician position, from what I understand about the role, would be closer to actual HCE/PCE, so I think it'd be preferable.  Good luck!

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Behavioral technician is likely PCE. I have experience as a behavioral technician and all my programs accepted it as PCE, although one of my programs stated they'd like to see a majority of my hours come from an environment where a PA is likely to work (hospital, clinic, etc). However, I say that it is likely PCE because it is program dependent. You need to check the program's website or email the program to see if a PCE is acceptable as well as if it's desirable.

The medical screener is a bit trickier. You are taking a vital sign, which is something that other accepted PCE positions do (i.e. CNAs), but that's essentially the only medical task you are doing and I wouldn't say you are particularly in charge of patients or interacting with a patient population. I would probably say it's likely not PCE. It could arguably be HCE. But again, your programs will give you a much better idea than people on these forums can. 🙂

Best of luck!

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