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Salary and taxes

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I'm applying to several PA programs and would like to know what is the average take home salary after taxes are taken out? I've done some research on the internet and read for example, a $90,000 a year salary would get about 30k removed for taxes annually. Is this true? I'm sure how many dependents would also play a factor...

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By this question I assume you have never held a job before.


Like any other job, it depends on what you claim on your W-4, what state you live in, tax bracket, whether or not you file long form or short form, how many deductions you can take, whether you are married and have children, own a home, etc.


Of course, if you will be working in California, expect to be taxed up the ying-yang to help support all of those left-coast socialized programs including all the wacky environmental regulations.


And don't forget about your tax dollars providing the $10 billion a year to support the illegals out there.

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By this question I assume you have never held a job before.


Like any other job, it depends on what you claim on your W-4, what state you live in, tax bracket, whether or not you file long form or short form, how many deductions you can take, whether you are married and have children, own a home, etc.


Of course, if you will be working in California, expect to be taxed up the ying-yang to help support all of those left-coast socialized programs including all the wacky environmental regulations.


And don't forget about your tax dollars providing the $10 billion a year to support the illegals out there.


Roman! If the leftists let you keep their money, you know that you would just blow it on the mortgage, gas, food, transportation, and health care. Knowing you, you'll probably use some for yourself........bad person!

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