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Which Subject for 1-Year Masters Program?

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Hello. I am graduating undergrad this year and afterwards I want to do a 1-Year Masters Degree at Tulane University to boost my credentials. Tulane offers 6 of these types, but I have narrowed it down to 3 that I'm interested in:

MS degree in Pharmacology, Physiology, or Anatomy

I understand that all of these classes will be taken in PA school, but I was wondering if anyone has any insight as to which one would be the most useful -- in terms of getting accepted to PA school and also preparing me the most for the curriculum of PA school. I have already taken Physiology and Anatomy in undergrad, which is why I was considering Pharmacology, but I am very interested in all of these subjects!

Please help me make this tough decision! Thank you

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Thank you for your reply!

I have ~3.2 for both cGPA and sGPA. But I transferred from community college with a 3.58 after completing all the pre-reqs for medical school (biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, calculus, physics), then did poorly in some of my upper division biology classes: 

C/C- in Biochemistry; C in plant biology; D+ in physiology lab (I got A in physiology lecture); B-/B+ in microbiology

I'm taking Anatomy & Anatomy lab right now. Next quarter I'm taking genetics and cell biology. I plan to get good grades in all of these classes and I think my GPA will be between 3.2-3.3 by the time I graduate.

Because I did so bad at the university and have a downward curve, I feel that I should redeem myself by doing one of these 1-year master's degrees at Tulane University. I do not have ANY PCE yet.... but I do have great LOR from any of my professors at community college.

What do you think would be best? I see how competitive PA school is to get accepted and I want to feel confident when I apply.

Edited by Nintendo64
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Before dropping money on a masters program, try retaking some of those science classes you got below an A in. It might be cheaper for you. If you retake all those classes + some more upper division classes (post-Bacc) You might have a positive enough trend to have somewhat of a chance of getting an interview. Doing a Masters program will definitely help your application (assuming you do great in it), but if retaking those classes while showing a positive trend in your academic performance will gain you the same outcome ( getting into an interview) I'd first venture with the latter. If you have the money, do the Masters. If not, retake classes. On top of GPA, make sure you work on good HCE hours and good LORs.

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