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PA school Pre-reqs

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Hi, I graduated from a UC school with a fairly low GPA and I was wondering if it helps to retake courses at a community college to show that I am still trying to improve my grades in science classes and apply to PA school? I would really like some advice, I will do anything to improve my application for PA school. Thanks

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That's a great idea. :) Retake anything you'd like to show improvement in (and generally anything you got a C in). Although it may make only a small dent in your GPA, it shows that you're still trying and that you're capable of better work in the sciences than you demonstrated as a younger student. Most schools require a 3.0 science and overall GPA, although are a few with lower requirements. Work up to that.

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Hi, just my 2 cents: If you have a low GPA I would recommend retaking the classes at a 4-year university if at all possible - you want to show that you can handle the course work that will be thrown at you during PA school. I understand this is much more expensive, but it will look "better" on your application. Also, if possible - take your pre-reqs at the school you most want to attend for PA school. Then you can make connections there and hopefully get good letters of recommendation (it worked for me!).


I graduated from a 4-year school and then went back 5 years later to start my pre-reqs. I did half of them at a community college, and 1/2 at my school of choice. Nothing wrong with community colleges, and many people have done their pre-reqs there and have gotten into PA school. However, since it's sounds like you've taken your pre-reqs classes already and didn't do well, I think you should go back to a 4 year and do them again there.


Make sure your patient care experience is stellar, get as many shadowing hours as possible, get some research experience if you can, and explain your first round poor grades in your personal statement. It's a long road but stick with it! Best of luck!

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CC classes will work too - confirm with the programs you're looking into that they will accept them. I went back 10 years after undergrad to re-take or take for the first time classes that I didn't have in undergrad, all at CC in my hometown so I could continue to work full-time and get HCE and not pay an arm and a leg for them since I was paying cash as I went. I'm starting my PA program in about a month so it is doable!! Good luck to you!!!

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I had a bad undergrad GPA and took all my prereqs at a community college and never had a problem. If you're a CA resident with low income, look into the board of governers waiver. It pays for CC classes. I am so thankful that my CC classes were essentially free because classes at 4 year universities were $900+ each.

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