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Re-taking Science courses

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I am in a bit of a dilemma, I was enrolled in an Anatomy course at a CC but had a family emergency in which i had to move back home. I never ended up dropping or withdrawing from the curse thus i received an F. I tried petitioning for a W on my transcript but was denied by the instructor. (i even provided sufficient documentation) I retook the course at another CC in the summer and got a B+. 

I just want to know if that F from a different CC compared to the B+ i received at another CC would affect my chances on getting into PA-School. I know i could mention the reasons why i got an F in the first course but how bad does that look when applying to PA school. 


Thank you.

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Sorry you had to go thru that family emergency - it is certainly tough.

For some community colleges you can "expunge" the F after receiving a 2.7 or above Gpa with a bachelor's degree after x amount of years have passed. It's called academic renewal. On the actual transcript it will show as 0.00 with an R. Caspa still requires that you enter in every grade on that transcript,  both your B + and F will be calculated into your science gpa.

Each school will have a separate additional prerequisite tab that requires you match the prerequisite course to your transcript. 

A few schools will take the higher grade and replace the grade- it's in the supplemental application. 

pa schools look for an upward trend and as long as you're improving with a forward trend you should be alright.

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