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Pending Courses That Aren't Prerequisites

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I had a question about whether or not it's necessary to list ALL pending courses, even if they're not prerequisites. For example, I'm enrolled in pharmacology for the summer. It's not a prerequisite for any school but am I required to still list it? Does it look bad if I have too many pending courses?

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I think you should list everything, shows the school you're still involved in academics. Looks especially good if you're working, shows time management. I'd even list if I was taking some fluff class like "Meditation 101" :)


Edit: I'd almost say especially retakes. That shows that you were not satisfied with your performance the first time and want to master the material. Definitely, definitely if the classes were required with above any certain grade as a prereq and you didn't make that grade the first time.

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Where are u taking the pharm class? What schools are you applying to?

I had a question about whether or not it's necessary to list ALL pending courses, even if they're not prerequisites. For example, I'm enrolled in pharmacology for the summer. It's not a prerequisite for any school but am I required to still list it? Does it look bad if I have too many pending courses?
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