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Can experience double dip in categories?

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I'm going to start volunteering as a medical translator (english/spanish) during the summer. I initially thought this would just be volunteer experience but after talking to some friends and coworkers, some say it may actually fall into the category of HCE or possibly shadowing, since i'll mainly be following a specific MD. Then someone mention experience can double dip. I was wondering if anyone had a similar experience and what they ended up doing. If I volunteer 300 hours, can I put 300 hour in volunteer, PCE and shadowing? Should I do 100 in each? Or just leave all the hours in one category. 

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No, you cannot double dip.

That's like saying I worked 2K hrs as an RN and then also counting those 2K as shadowing experience for a total of 4K...when, in reality, I was only physically present for 2K.

If you volunteered as a medical translator then technically you can count that as HCE because it is in a health care capacity. It is not shadowing because you're not just following the provider...You're assisting the provider and playing an active role. Shadowing is primarily following the provider (passive role). 

Its entirely up to you how you want to allocate your hours. If it were me, I would put all 300 hours as HCE. 

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