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Changing majors/what are my chances of getting into PA school?

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Ok so my college transcript is a mess. I have a lot of W grades but most of them were the result of mental health issues and career indecision (I know that doesn't make them any better). Most of the W grades were whole semester drops. There are only two W grades that were not part of whole semester drops that I think are major red flags. One is for college algebra and trigonometry and the other is for general chemistry II. I was experiencing depression at the time of both of those drops but I was struggling with the material as well. I retook college algebra and trigonometry and got a B. I'm still yet to retake general chemistry II. When I dropped general chemistry II, I was depressed and overwhelmed by the lab but I think I can manage it next semester because my mental health has improved. My science grades are mediocre: C in General Biology I, B in General Biology I lab, B- in General Biology II, B in General Biology II lab, B+ in General Chemistry I, B + in General Chemistry I lab, and my Anatomy and Physiology I grade is upcoming and should be in the B range (maybe A- if I ace the final). 

My college history is definitely erratic. I started after high school in 2009 majoring in business, left because of depression and pursued an acting career, came back here and there taking core classes and acting classes part time with my major still business (really stupid), and finally got serious in 2017 when I officially switched my major to biology and was able to handle full class loads for consecutive semesters. I'm currently at a junior standing with 78 credits. My overall GPA is 3.3. I want to switch my major to African Studies because I genuinely like it but will that look bad? Is my transcript too fvcked up already to even apply to PA school? Can volunteer experience, better grades from now on, letters of recommendation, and a solid personal statement make up for it? 

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No need to post this twice.  Bottom line is your major doesn't matter as long as you have all the pre-reqs required for PA applications.

Consider, though, that you need patient care experience.  You may not get into PA school right away...what will you DO with a major in African studies?  Always good to have a back up plan.

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