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Human AND Animal Physiology?

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I am curious if most schools will accept human and animal physiology lecture/lab? The anatomy course offered at my school was exclusively human, however the physiology course was "Human and animal" and the course description was "

This course is an introduction to human with an emphasis on vertebrates. The course is intended for students in their sophomore or junior year. The subject matter includes metabolism and thermoregulation, nervous and endocrine systems, respiration and circulation, osmoregulation, excretion, digestion and reproduction." 

I will be emailing the programs this weekend and hopefully will hear back Monday, but I am freaking out that I will not be able to apply to most schools that I had planned to this cycle. Has anyone had experience with this/are schools often firm on physiology being ONLY human? Thanks!

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I would be prepared for many schools to ask to see a copy of the syllabus for more information. The "emphasis on vertebrates" will make some people nervous because time spent covering other material might not be super helpful prep for PA school. 

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I had a slightly similar situation, but both courses were Vertebrate anatomy and physiology, with lab. When I checked with schools, all the ones I asked said I needed to retake Human A&P classes in order to fulfill requirements. Ended up taking them post-bacc at a different college.

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