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Pregnancy and school

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Hey guys, I am applying this cycle with an expected summer start date 6/2020. I’m 12 weeks pregnant and am due November 2019. My concerns revolve around going to the interview pregnant and how that will be seen, but mainly my worry is around my patient care hours. I am working now and the school I am applying to calculates your PCE based off your hours up until beginning school. My plan is to stop working around October and be a stay at home mom for the 6 months prior to starting school. I don’t want to disclose this to schools for concerns that it will not look good, but I also don’t want to lie and not update them on the fact that I quit my job. Interviews for the schools are all prior to me quitting my job if that makes a difference. I do plan to volunteer a few hours in my months off but I’m worried how to approach this. Any ideas or advice? Thank you. 

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You can't have your cake and eat it too.  Personally I think the thing to is be upfront about your end date of working.  No one said you have to tell them why.  Then they can accurately calculate your hours and you aren't lying about anything.

Unless you currently have very low PCE hours and working those extra 6 months will make a big difference, I really think you're over thinking things.  Plenty of students get pregnant or have children before and during PA school.  It's not always ideal and you'll likely need to have an idea of how you plan to juggle an infant and the rigor of PA school, but I think you're worrying too much about something you can't change at this point.

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