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PANCE Preparation

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Hi guys, this is a question for those who have taken the 2019 PANCE or are preparing to take it this year

Which test aid (ROSH, Kaplan, MedGeeks, Exam Master, Rutgers, etc.) did you find most helpful to prepare you for the PANCE?

I have access to Rosh, MedGeeks, and Exam Master, but I just want some opinions on which one should I spend more time with. My exam is set for August, and it is kind stressing me out since they changed the content from the previous year.

Thank you 

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I would highly recommend reading through Pance Prep Pearls and knowing the book cover to cover. I also did a few Rosh review questions, but to be honest didn't spent much time on practice questions. I took PANCE 3 weeks after graduation and passed on the 1st try. Honestly if you know PPPs well and practice Rosh questions, you'll be ready. For me exam felt just like another EOR, totally doable if you put some time and work into it. You have plenty time to get ready and you'll be fine!

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